Good for HIM - Men's Health

Men's Health Golf Outings, Good for HIM

Because if you’re not good to yourself, it makes life harder for those who count on you – your loved ones, your family, and your buddies.

To be there for them means to watch out for you

Too many guys wait until a health issue is very serious before seeing their doctor. Let’s change that. Because when you’re accountable for your overall health and wellness, when you’re really on top of it for the long haul, you’re helping a whole lot more people than just you. So make the call for your annual physical today. Those who care about you will be so glad you did.

family tower
in 10 men get their annual physical.
Only go the doctor when something is already hurts or is seriously wrong.
Go to get a loved one to stop nagging.

We’re Here to Help.

Good for HIM is a part of Tomorrow’s Hope, a south central Wisconsin non-profit founded in 1998. We partner with healthcare providers, universities, and state health experts to help men live longer, healthier lives. We hold events to spread the word about the issues that can help improve our quality of life, and we hold fundraisers to allow us to keep spreading the word.

Grab some buddies and have some fun! It’ll be a great couple of days of golf, food and prizes. You’ll even learn a little about men’s health. Funds raised at our outings are used to further encourage and educate men on why it’s important to make their health a top priority.

 Interested in becoming a sponsor, or simply donating to Good for HIM? Just click the link below!

What You Can Do Right Now

  1. Schedule Your Physical

Guys, its time. You may even be able to book it online. Do it for your health, and for those who care about you.


2: Donate

Non-profits like us need support from folks like you. Individuals, corporations and companies are encouraged to help us help others. Just hit the link below, and you’re on the way to helping.


3: Be a Community Partner

Help us spread the word in your community. We’re always on the lookout for men and women who can help others live a better life.