Barb Endl Grant Program

Tomorrow's Hope - Barb Endl Grant Program
This program has been our traditional method of support over the past 20 plus years. Our founder and leader for over 22 years, started this practice with other passionate volunteers in 1998. Barb led the organization to raise over $4.2 million to support local Health Services through Tomorrow's Hope Grants before her retirement in 2019.
We are forever grateful for her leadership and friendship. To honor her passionate service to our communities we are proud to name this program the Barb Endl Grant program moving forward.
Thank you Barb for all you do! For being a Hope provider and making so many better Tomorrow's!
Through the Barb Endl Grant program, Tomorrow’s Hope works directly with the local health care providers that our friends, families, and neighbors use. These local health care facilities know what local people need, and funds from Tomorrow’s Hope help enhance their programs and services for people affected by life-limiting illnesses. It is definitely a winning collaboration.
Through this program, Tomorrow’s Hope supports:
Staff training, community health screenings, student awareness programs and more.
Supporting pediatric cancer, cancer clinical trials, EKG screening research programs and more.
Purchasing a surgical camera for surgeons, hair retention scalp cooling systems, tablets as an educational and comfort tool for children or for the comfort of chemo, radiation and dialysis patients.
Strengthen access to medication assistance programs, uninsured and under-insured insurance coverage.
Continued diabetic care, cardiac rehab, Free Clinics and Hospice support services and more for our families, friends, and communities.
Financial support for medical supplies, rehab equipment, amenities for cancer clinics and more.
Tomorrow’s Hope Board of Directors, volunteers and our ONE Community of HOPE at large all have the opportunity to help carefully select which Health Services are granted funds.
We invite the local providers to present funding opportunities to Tomorrow’s Hope. Our objective is to grant funds to the most impactful programs for the betterment of our communities.
We are proud to be able to tell you where your dollars go, how they are used, and who they serve. Through the Health Service Grant program, we can do this because our grant recipients sign a contract. Part of that contract is supplying annual reports that detail where our funds are being used. Because it is important to us that we are accountable to our supporters, it is important that our grant recipients are accountable to us.
With your help, together we have granted over $4.2 million to our grant recipients. By keeping these dollars local, our grants have an economic impact event greater than the amount granted.
Tomorrow’s Hope supports specific health programs and services at a full spectrum of local health care facilities. We are always looking for new local health care facilities to partner with. We strive to find the most impactful and innovative programs and services.
Click below to see a list of health service programs we have supported.
WE ARE, YOU ARE, WE ALL ARE Tomorrow’s Hope!